Posted inArts & Culture

Molly Shanahan/Mad Shak

The rounded shapes and rolling motions of Molly Shanahan’s new solo piece, My Name Is a Blackbird, remind me of Merce Cunningham—though they bear no resemblance to his spiky, tense forms. Both choreographers create a dreamy, trancelike state, allowing the viewer to zone in and out of the performance, switching between focused perception and meditation. […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Hedwig Dances

A happy marriage between live blues and modern dance can’t involve swishy arm waving in the Jules Feiffer cartoon mode. But the pairing works if the choreographer is willing to indulge in some quirks, as Hedwig Dances artistic director Jan Bartoszek does in Blues Dances. Noted Chicago pianist Erwin Helfer and saxophonist John Brumbach provide […]