Posted inMusic

The Reader’s guide to World Music Festival Chicago 2023

In July, I attended a community meeting at the Broadway Armory in Edgewater about the city’s plan to turn the Park District facility into a temporary shelter for asylum seekers. A group of protesters, angry that much of the armory’s programming would be relocated or otherwise disrupted, carried bright yellow signs reading “Don’t Displace Us.” […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Building hope with Free Street

Free Street Theater has been making theater in Chicago, connecting communities through art, since 1969. They do itinerant touring work across the city, creating accessible, inclusive, and transformational performances that seek connections between different issues facing Chicago communities. Their newest performance, There Is a Future/Tenemos un Futuro (TIAF), is an outdoor show directed by Elizabeth […]

Posted inArts & Culture

CLATA launches an incubator for new Latine voices

Through theater, we can experience a variety of perspectives, while examining dialogue, monologue, and characters that allow us to reflect, learn, and connect. The Chicago Latino Theater Alliance (CLATA) is an organization that helps foment this idea by supporting Latine theater through rich storytelling locally and worldwide with theater projects like Destinos: Chicago International Latino […]

Posted inArts & Culture


Being in the spotlight isn’t something multidisciplinary artist Diana Solís ever sought, despite capturing influential socio-political movements through her camera for decades. But now, having just turned 67, and with the release of her new book of photography, Luz: Seeing the Space Between Us, the spotlight on her has never been brighter or so deserved. […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Festival “Lit & Luz” ofrece una visión para la revisión

Centrado en el lenguaje, la literatura y el arte, el festival Lit & Luz, reúne a escritores, artistas visuales y músicos de México y Estados Unidos en un claro esfuerzo por fomentar el intercambio cultural. Los resultados artísticos de estas experiencias interculturales—desde la poesía hasta la fotografía y demás—se presentan luego a través de una […]

Posted inMusic

The Reader’s guide to World Music Festival Chicago 2022

The term “world music” has never been adequate to the task we’ve set it—even in its most benign reading, it implies a division between the listener and the rest of the world. And if that listener is in the United States, our country’s global hegemony in popular music colors the term’s meaning too.  Americans don’t […]