Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: Any advice on dealing with feelings of jealousy? I’m a 33-year-old female in love with a 35-year-old male. Neither of us has been married, but my boyfriend had several major relationships and a large number of casual partners. I’ve had two major relationships, and it feels weird to be involved with someone with […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I’m a gay male in my mid-20s involved with a handsome, blond, sweet, generous guy also in his mid-20s. We’ve been dating for a few months and we are very much in love. There is only one problem: no matter where we go or who we’re with, there’s always someone staring in his […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: My girlfriend is 30 and the veteran of a couple of difficult but intense sexual relationships, each lasting more than three years. She is a very sexual person by nature, in a very healthy way. I’m in my mid-20s, fairly inexperienced sexually, and fairly well-endowed. Okay, extremely well-endowed–and therein lies the problem. My […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: My boyfriend got a so-called boob job as a teenager because he was embarrassed by his “breasts.” What a waste! He has no sensation in his nipples. Oh, what I would give for a little bit of breast on him and the chance to suck a responsive nipple! He says that if he’d […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I am always alone on Valentine’s Day. No romance, no relationship. It’s depressing. I know: whine, whine, whine. But I am tired of feeling sorry for myself on Valentine’s Day! So, do you have any ideas on what to do, where to go, any neat things I could do for myself or others […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I am a 36-year-old male, approximately 30 pounds overweight. I have always battled with my weight and have learned to live with the ups and downs. However, no matter how much weight I lose or how often I work out I always have a big flabby chest–a source of discomfort and shame to […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: Most of the sexual experiences I’ve had have been initiated by the woman. When I meet someone and I start to groove on them and we hang out and this and that, I have a hard time making a move. I just don’t know when to do it. I’ve had women tell me […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I am in some serious trouble here! I have a really wonderful girlfriend and I’m very much in love with her. We’re also best friends and get along great. The only problem is sex. I know, who doesn’t have problems with sex. But mine is a sad, sad case. She has a most […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: My boyfriend hit me and I don’t know what to do about it. We’ve been together about three and a half years, and he never hit me before. This incident is so out of character, so unlike him, that I don’t know what to do. We were arguing, and it sort of spun […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: Please tell me I’m not being a bitch about this. My boyfriend is almost 24 years old and he seems to have a fixation with his penis. He’s always touching it, playing with it, pulling it out of his pants, looking at it, and it seems as though every time he’s in some […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I’ve been using one of those shower anal douches for about a year now and I’ve always wondered if there are any long-term side effects I should be aware of. Is using the douche once or twice a week too often? Am I washing away good bacteria? How do the prostate and colon […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: My girlfriend often gives me head, but she won’t let me return the favor. I’ve tried repeatedly to go down on her, but she always cringes and turns her vittles away from me. When I ask why, she just answers, “Why would any man want to put his mouth where I pee?” I […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey, Faggot: I am a straight woman, 37, who has been friends with a man, 34, for four years. Our relationship has been platonic–we’ve never had any sexual contact other than making out–although we have expressed a strong attraction for one another. However, we decided to keep our relationship non-sexual in order to retain our […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

Hey faggot: I go to a clean, well-managed safe-sex club. In a crowded orgy scene, sometimes alien fingers gravitate to assholes, which can be delightful–but can I catch diseases from a finger? AIDS? Herpes? Other STDs? Disposable latex gloves are provided, but in the frenzy of passion they aren’t always used. How safe is finger […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

Savage Love

I dropped by four large universities last week—the University of Lethbridge, SUNY in Albany, the University of Maryland, and the University of Alaska in Anchorage—to do “Savage Love Live,” the college-speaking-gig version of my sex-advice column. I enjoyed visiting all four campuses and, as ever, learned a few things out on the road. (Brinking? Who […]