Posted inOn Politics

It worked!

It was a connect-the-dots moment in Chicago as the following news stories recently broke in rapid succession. Chicago Public School enrollment fell again. It’s now down more than 115,000 students over the last 20 years. There are homeless camps in many parks and under viaducts, including Touhy Park on the far north side. That’s where […]

Posted inOn Politics

MAGA flip-flops

Over the past few weeks, it’s becoming obvious that not all of MAGA actually believes the poison they’ve been peddling. Not that it makes that poison any less toxic, or harder to clean up.  Plenty of examples—with new ones popping up every day as we get closer to the midterms—but let’s start with a case […]

Posted inOn Politics

The choice is yours, voters

Content warning: This column contains a reference to sexual violence. As I write, it’s Labor Day—traditionally, the start of the election season. That means “normal” people start to sorta pay attention to what’s going on in politics, as opposed to political junkies, like myself, who never stop paying attention. As such, it’s my pleasure to […]

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As the years roll by, mayors and aldermen come and go but the great Tax Increment Financing scam stays forever. Oh, TIFs, TIFs, TIFs. Haven’t written about them in awhile. But they’re always on my mind, to paraphrase the great Willie Nelson. They’re particularly on my mind as I follow the falsehoods advanced by both […]

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State of anxiety

With each passing day, I get more anxious about the Democratic strategy of promoting MAGA candidates like Darren Bailey in Republican primaries. Oh, I understand the logic—it’s an attempt to make sure they’re facing an opponent the polls show is easier to beat. In this case, internal Democratic polls apparently showed Bailey, an extremist, was […]

Posted inColumns & Opinion

MAGA enablers

For over twenty years, my centrist friends have been giving me grief for presidential losses the Democrats have suffered. For example . . . Gore’s defeat in 2000, allegedly caused by lefties voting for Ralph Nader. Or Hillary Clinton’s in 2016, allegedly caused by lefties not voting at all. The centrist message to me went […]

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Biased driving

It was a mixed-message week on the homefront. Mayor Lightfoot rolled out the red carpet for NASCAR the day before she arm-twisted the alderpeople into cracking down on speeders to make our streets safer. So one day the mayor is cheering on stock car racers to go faster. And the next she’s sternly demanding motorists […]

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Beware, Illinois

Content warning: This story contains references to sexual violence. I think we can all agree that MAGA’s unprecedented obsession with truth in regard to the rape of a ten-year-old girl in Ohio was really a sneaky attempt to divert attention from this rather unsettling fact. It’s illegal for a ten-year-old girl to get an abortion […]

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More madness from Mary

I suppose it’s somewhat reassuring to know people still get outraged by the MAGA madness Mary Miller spews. That we all haven’t gone numb to her lunacy—even though she seems to be saying crazy things all the time. In case you forgot, Mary Miller is the downstate congresswoman who made her name last year by […]

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Trigger’s back

As you know by now, the MAGA Six on the Supreme Court eviscerated abortion rights with their recent anti-Roe ruling, thus triggering local laws that instantaneously made abortion illegal in a dozen or so states. None of which were Illinois. And for that we must at least partially thank former Governor Bruce Rauner. Words I […]

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Not a dream

As I lay in bed drenched in sweat, battling COVID, it came to me as in a fevered dream . . . The city council had overwhelmingly approved Mayor Lightfoot’s idea to spend untold millions on a casino. Even as Alderperson Brendan Reilly warned them that it may wind up being as bad as the […]

Posted inOn Politics

False equivalence

So there I am at my kitchen table, drinking my morning coffee and reading the latest column in the New York Times by Tom Friedman, who I disagree with more often than not. I read pretty much every column by Friedman, Bret Stephens, David Brooks, and other writers with whom I disagree, on the outside […]

Posted inOn Politics

MAGA hate

Generally, I like to tell a joke or two in these columns, looking to underscore the absurdity of politics with a little dark humor. But no joking this time. On Saturday, an 18-year-old white supremicist armed with a semiautomatic rifle walked into a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, and started shooting people. Black people, […]