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Rat aldermen

As soon as I read about Bill Daley’s call for a referendum on reducing the city council from 50 to 15 aldermen, I had three questions: Would it pass? Would I vote for it? And what does this have to do with ratgate? In short, the answers are: yes, not sure and…don’t get me started! […]

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Joint Review Board

For the last several weeks, the 13 or so mayoral candidates have been promising to defend Chicago’s already overburdened taxpayers from future hikes in our forever-rising property taxes. And then on January 11, the Joint Review Board gave Mayor Rahm the green light to raise property taxes by as much as $1.6 billion over the […]

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Rahm & Burke

In the category of closing the gate after the horse has bolted from the pasture, Mayor Rahm fired Ed Burke as chair of the all-important council finance committee after the feds indicted the 14th ward alderman on charges of shaking down a Burger King franchisee. Wow, there’s a lot to unpack in that sentence, starting […]