Posted inArts & Culture

Desire lines

One of the most enduring legacies of colonialism is found in architecture, often built on the basis of separation. Divide-and-rule policies inform social structures in former colonies like India, where the separation of communities on the basis of class, caste, and creed is linked to the separation of laborers from their points of origin. Forming […]

Posted inArt Review

Abstract language and sacred knowing

In Kameelah Janan Rasheed’s solo exhibition “Unsewn Time,” curated by Grace Deveney, letters and words are isolated, and punctuation marks are paired with incalculable calculations to form new sentences. Using her body as a writing instrument, Rasheed devises a new language that flows from the soul and a spiritual sense of knowing. “Kameelah Janan Rasheed: […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Del principio hasta el final/From the beginning to the end

Much of Louis De Guzman’s practice involves his signature geometric abstraction style, which creates worlds within worlds, often blending the past and present into one. “Along the Way” is the Chicago-based Filipino American artist and designer’s first solo exhibition in over three years.  It comes after many collaborations, including “SpongeBob SquarePants x Louis De Guzman […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Soft light

Painter Scott Wolniak’s delightful new exhibition “Crosscurrents” at Goldfinch is a lot to take in. With nearly 20 works of various sizes hung close together in the modest space, the exhibition is like a salon-style dive into the visual deep. Viewers used to sparse white walls and serious square footage between works might find the […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Pools of time

What narrative can we tell of a fractured life when gleaned through the nature of the anthropogenic? Possibly a fragmented story of being. “Life Cycles,” a group show curated by Ionit Behar at the DePaul Art Museum, gathers more than 50 artists in various mediums whose work shares a common border in exploring subjectivity through […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Look but don’t touch

“Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.” So begins Valerie Solanas’s incendiary, prophetic SCUM Manifesto, SCUM of […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Iridescent illusions

The minute you step into the gallery, the clock starts ticking: you only have 30 seconds to experience María Burundarena’s world—if you choose not to return, that is. The line outside the door says otherwise. People are lining up, eager to get back in for another half-minute solitary experience that is what you make it—a […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Vagina, vagina on the wall

Are those vaginas on the wall? Rest assured, your eyes didn’t trick you. Coin Cunts, created by Louisiana-based artist Suzanna Scott, are colorful kiss lock coin purses sewn into the shape of a vagina, fearlessly presenting the organ that brings women pleasure and pain, pride and shame. Do you look away, or do you admire […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Material as memory

Working with fabric necessitates a certain type of intimacy. How you move through the world is punctuated by what you were wearing; fabric changes you, it can define your day. Fabric, whether it’s worn or transformed, can thus become a complicated act of memory and storytelling.  “A thread through a past life,” up at Middle […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Honoring the incarcerated

“Makes Me Wanna Holla: Art, Death & Imprisonment,” on view at the Logan Center Gallery, makes visceral the impact COVID-19 had on incarcerated people. The experience begins with a re-creation of a prison cell installed at the front of the main gallery. Designed by Chanton Bun, the “cell,” about the size of a parking space, […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Savoring culture

Celebrating the rich tapestry of Black and African identities, “Gumbo,” reveals the multifaceted narratives, cultural nuances, and poignant perspectives of the Black experience by bringing together 20 artists whose work spans mediums and scale. The works are carefully arranged within the Fulton Market gallery and rightfully so—each one demands a closer look so sufficient white […]