Credit: Breaking Glass Pictures

Anthony Bawn’s H.I.M. follows Damien (Brandon Karson), a heartbroken college student, and his cousin, Kendall (Rahim Brazil), who finds a romance with a church boy, rocking his relationship with his mother.

The film opens with a harsh conversation between Kendall and his friend—two Black gay men in the closet—where Kendall challenges his sexuality and experience with women. But quickly, the viewer realizes, everything is a test in H.I.M., and what we think is unfolding leads to something more open and sensual.

Reader, don’t watch this film unless you’re ready to jump someone’s bones afterward. H.I.M. is, indeed, incredibly sexy. The tension between forbidden fruit, secret kisses behind closed doors, and salacious college flings will get anyone pulsating below the belt.

Although the film can be amateur—with actors tripping over their words and a shaky camera—it adds to the authenticity of everyone’s interactions. Moreover, the dark, deep topics explored in the film are exemplified through the actors breaking the fourth wall, smashing stereotypes surrounding masculine men, and combining humor alongside sexual desire. 104 Minutes.

Wide release on VOD