Posted inArts & Culture

New gadgets, old problems

“Difference Machines: Technology and Identity in Contemporary Art,” a tech-heavy exhibition that features 17 international artists and 20 artworks, invites exhibition-goers to survey a slice of recent technology history wrought with excitement, problems, and critical reflections. The works confirm what we already know—technology does not solve human problems; instead, it exposes them brutally, increasing inequality […]

Posted inArts & Culture

My love affair with rats

My love affair with rats came imperceptibly, without ready origins. Certainly, it didn’t start with a youthful embrace of pet rats—my friend Will had a few, and their furry bodies scampering around his bedroom only unsettled me. A decade ago, in my first fall at Northwestern University, my friend Ramona slipped a plastic rat into […]

Posted inArts & Culture

An art project visualizes the migrant crisis

Oscar B. Castillo and Wil Sands’s ongoing project “BordersCruzadas: A Collaborative Story,” on view at the new Community Engagement Hub on Columbia College Chicago’s 600 S. Michigan campus, forces viewers to confront ingrained assumptions about American exceptionalism. Part photography, part archival material, “BordersCruzadas” features Castillo and Sands’s documentarian work completed over the past year as […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Making waves

“The view that unions are a hostile force within a workplace is fundamentally incorrect. Creating a union is an act of love: love for your work, love for your colleagues, and love for the institution that means a great deal to many people.”  This is a view that came to the forefront of my conversation […]

Posted inArts & Culture

Biennial as experimentation

In 2017, a barge drifted along the Chicago River. It wasn’t carrying the usual Ozinga concrete or gravel; instead it floated a museum. Produced by the Floating Museum, an interdisciplinary collective comprised of architect Andrew Schachman, artists Faheem Majeed and Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford, and poet avery r. young, the museum barge showcased artwork from dozens of […]

Posted inArts & Culture

For artist Ruby Que, spoons are a metaphor in life and in their practice

Editor’s note: Coco Picard spoke with Chicago artist Ruby Que about their exhibition “Holding” at the outdoor project space Bird Show. Edited text from the comic is transcribed here to ease readability. Furthering Chicago’s long-standing tradition of artist-run apartment, outdoor, and itinerant exhibition venues: welcome to Bird Show, a seasonal gallery of juried contemporary art […]

Posted inArts & Culture

The waves

The elements water and air both seem to possess an aloof quality. They lurk until they want their presence known, like a hurricane. Water drips through our synapses and air expands our lungs like bellows. We’re beings of water and air, held aloft by the systems we create to corral waves and tame winds. This […]