Posted inTheater Review

Commedia Divina: It’s Worse Than That is Dante for the age of MAGA

Editor’s Note: Due to illness in the cast, the remainder of performances for this show have been canceled. Please contact the company for information on refunds. Feel like you’ve been living in hell the past several years? The Conspirators understand. In their latest offering, Commedia Divina: It’s Worse Than That, writer Sid Feldman concocts a […]

Posted inTheater Review

Once on This Island illustrates the beauty of storytelling

Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty’s 1998 Tony Award-winning score for Ragtime (book by Terrence McNally) has many virtues—strong songs, strong characters, moments of great drama—but for my money, it cannot hold a candle to Ahrens and Flaherty’s earlier, less complicated, but no less ambitious musical, Once on this Island. First produced on Broadway in 1990, […]

Posted inTheater Review

Chaos in the co-op

A stellar cast more than makes up for some of the inherent unevenness in Charles Busch’s The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife, produced at Skokie Theatre as part of MadKap Productions’s 2023-24 season.  Julie Stevens is terrific as Marjorie Taub, an Upper West Side housewife recovering from a nervous breakdown—triggered after the death of her […]

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Neighborly nightmares

If you look at French-Canadian playwright Catherine-Anne Toupin’s Right Now with an eye toward finding narrative antecedents, you won’t be disappointed. There’s the young couple living across the hall from an older couple who seem a little too interested in them (shades of Rosemary’s Baby). There are boozy parties (and a possibly imaginary child) straight […]

Posted inTheater Review

All about their mother

The four sisters in Teatro Vista’s ¡Bernarda! often complain about the heat, but the stifling Spanish summer is no match for the passions roiling under their mother’s roof. This stylish, sexy new adaption of Federico García Lorca’s 1936 play, The House of Bernarda Alba, is written by Emilio Williams, directed by Teatro Vista producing artistic […]

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City Lit’s The Night of the Hunter is a satisfying dark yarn

City Lit Theater’s stage adaptation of Davis Grubb’s 1953 novel has a dark, homespun, campfire-tale feel that suits the folksy tone of its suspenseful Southern Gothic narrative. The Night of the Hunter recounts the ordeal of two runaway children—ten-year-old John Harper and his five-year-old sister, Pearl—being pursued by a vicious killer in rural 1930s West […]

Posted inTheater Review

All the single ladies

Doing a gender reversal for Company, Stephen Sondheim and George Furth’s 1970 ironic comedy of marriage vs. singledom, is such a great idea it’s surprising that nobody thought to do it before Marianne Elliott’s 2021 revival. In Elliott’s production, bachelor Bobby is now Bobbie, a woman turning 35 and wondering just why everyone (meaning, her […]

Posted inTheater Review

This Bitter Earth dives into the roots of political and personal commitment

At one point in Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre’s excellent production of Harrison David Rivers’s This Bitter Earth, the central character, Jesse (Matthew Lolar-Johnson), says to his activist boyfriend, Neil (Tiemen Godwaldt), that “all lives matter.” Neil, surprised and disgusted, replies, “Saying all lives matter is like running through an anti-cancer rally and saying, ‘You know, there are […]

Posted inTheater Review

La Jom Atenda shows the complexities of caregiving

Plays about the relationships between caregivers and their clients aren’t new. The late Chicago playwright, actor, and disability rights activist Susan Nussbaumʼs well-received No One as Nasty, about a disabled woman and her caregiver, was produced by Victory Gardens back in 2000. Martyna Majok’s 2018 Pulitzer Prize–winning Cost of Living also examined two pairs of […]